I couldn't contain myself for long and said to my lovely friend A, my link to this gallery, "Those just aren't right." while pointing at the bowl of offending hearts.
Still, we didn't think much of it...surely these Necco knock offs were created with a younger, less sophisticated palette in mind, perfect as a chaser to the VooDoo Doughnuts the kids (and most adults) were eating as they viewed the collection of paintings, etchings and lithographs that made up the show.
Or so I thought. This morning as I lay in bed listening to NPRs Weekend Edition on OPB contemplating how the pouring rain outside would affect my planned 27 mile jog, I learned that the shocking heart flavors go beyond budget. Apparently Necco couldn't leave well enough alone. Check out the full story for more. I'm stunned. And I gotta say, a little heart broken. Is nothing sacred?
What about you? How do you feel about the change in Necco heart flavor from faintly classic to feisty?
let me get this straight- necco put out a survey through twitter that demonstrated to them that the most desired new sweetheart phrase is tweet me? did i miss the first part where twitter bought necco in an effort to sabotage the communication giant that once was conversation hearts? could the only sacred thing left to us be tweeting? (ps- am i the only one who thinks that sounds like grandma for 'farting'?)(pps- did your blog do something to me so that i can't end a sentence without a question mark?)